Galaxies with nuclear bars are believed to efficiently drive gas inward, generating a nuclear starburst and possibly an active galactic nucleus. We confirm this scenario for the isolated, double-barred, luminous infrared galaxy ESO 320-G030 based on an analysis of Herschel and ALMA spectroscopic observations. Herschel/PACS and SPIRE observations of ESO 320-G030 show absorption or emission in 18 lines of H2O, which we combine with the ALMA H2O 423-330 448 GHz line (Eupper ∼400 K) and continuum images to study the physical properties of the nuclear region. Radiative transfer models indicate that three nuclear components are required to account for the multi-transition H2O and continuum data. An envelope, with radius R ∼ 130-150 pc, dust temperature Tdust ≈ 50 K, and NH2 ∼ 2 × 1023 cm-2, surrounds a nuclear disk with R ∼ 40 pc that is optically thick in the far-infrared (τ100 μm ∼ 1.5-3, NH2 ∼ 2 × 1024 cm-2). In addition, an extremely compact (R ∼ 12 pc), warm (≈100 K), and buried (τ100 μm > 5, NH2 ⪎ 5 × 1024 cm-2) core component is required to account for the very high-lying H2O absorption lines. The three nuclear components account for 70% of the galaxy luminosity (SFR ∼ 16-18 M⊙ yr-1). The nucleus is fed by a molecular inflow observed in CO 2-1 with ALMA, which is associated with the nuclear bar. With decreasing radius (r = 450-225 pc), the mass inflow rate increases up to Minf ∼20 M⊙ yr-1, which is similar to the nuclear star formation rate (SFR), indicating that the starburst is sustained by the inflow. At lower r, ∼100-150 pc, the inflow is best probed by the far-infrared OH ground-state doublets, with an estimated Minf ∼30 M⊙yr-1. The inferred short timescale of ∼20 Myr for nuclear gas replenishment indicates quick secular evolution, and indicates that we are witnessing an intermediate stage (< 100 Myr) proto-pseudobulge fed by a massive inflow that is driven by a strong nuclear bar. We also apply the H2O model to the Herschel far-infrared spectroscopic observations of H218O, OH, 18OH, OH+, H2O+, H3O+, NH, NH2, NH3, CH, CH+, 13CH+, HF, SH, and C3, and we estimate their abundances.
González-Alfonso, E., Pereira-Santaella, M., Fischer, J., García-Burillo, S., Yang, C., Alonso-Herrero, A., … Stewart, K. P. (2021). A proto-pseudobulge in ESO 320-G030 fed by a massive molecular inflow driven by a nuclear bar. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 645.
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