AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kebangkitan kembali aktivitas penanaman kelapa sawit di Desa Tebo jaya periode 1990-2010 serta pengaruhnya terhadap ekonomi peduduk dan kontribusinya bagi Desa Tebo Jaya. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan adalah metode sejarah meliputi tahapan heuriristik, kritik, intepretasi dan histografi. Sumber sejarah yang di gunakan berupa arsip lokal dan wawancara serta literatur tertulis. Arsip lokal antara lain arsip Desa Tebo Jaya arsip kecamatan Limbur Lubuk Mengkuang dan arsip dinas perkebunan provinsi jambi. Wawancara di lakukan dengan pihak-pihak yang memiliki hubungan dengan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Desa Tebo jaya, mulai dari pamerintahan desa, petani sekaligus pemilik kebun kelapa sawit, pemanen dan pegawai dinas perkebunan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan ekonomi anatar alain untuk mengetahui pendapatan atau keuntungan petani. Dari penjualan buah kelapa sawit dan upah yang di terima oleh pemanen dan buruh. Selain itu ada juga pendekatan sosiologi untuk melihat hubungan antara interaksi sosial anatara sesama petani sekaligus pemilik kebun kelapa sawit petani dan pedagang perantara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perkebunan dan penanaman kebun kelepa sawit di Desa Tebo Jaya masih bersipat tradisional dan beskala kecil namun aktivitas ini tetap memberikan pengaruh positif bagi kehidupan penduduk terutama bagi mereka yang terlibat di dalam nya. Pengaruh tersebut antara lain dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani sekaligus pemilik kebun kelapa sawit dan pemanen dan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru sehingga dapat mengurangi pengangguran di Desa Tebo Jaya.Kata Kunci: Sejarah, Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit, Desa Tebo AbstractThis study aims to describe the revival of oil palm planting activities in Tebo Jaya Village for the period 1990-2010 and its impact on the economy of the population and its contribution to Tebo Jaya Village. The research method used is the historical method including the heuristic, criticism, intepretation and histographic stages. Historical sources used are in the form of local archives and interviews and written literature. Local archives include the Tebo Jaya Village archive, the Limbur Lubuk Mengkuang sub-district archive and the Jambi provincial plantation service archive. Interviews were conducted with parties related to oil palm plantations in Tebo Jaya Village, ranging from village administrators, farmers as well as oil palm plantation owners, harvesters and plantation officials. The approach used is an economic approach among other things to determine the income or profit of farmers. From the sale of oil palm fruit and the wages received by harvesters and laborers. In addition, there is also a sociological approach to see the relationship between social interactions between farmers and owners of oil palm plantations, farmers and intermediary traders. The results showed that the plantation and planting of oil palm plantations in Tebo Jaya Village were still traditional and small-scale, but this activity still had a positive influence on the lives of the population, especially those involved in it. These influences include improving the welfare of farmers as well as oil palm plantation owners and harvesters and creating new jobs so as to reduce unemployment in Tebo Jaya Village.Keywords: History, Oil Palm Plantation, Tebo Village
. B. (2022). PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT DI DESA TEBO JAYA 1990-2010. Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari, 5(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.33087/istoria.v5i1.98
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