With the introduction of hydroponics, a cutting-edge technique that is completely changing conventional procedures, the long-standing practice of mushroom growing has changed to suit modern difficulties. Traditionally cultivated in natural substrates, mushrooms are currently flourishing in hydroponic systems, which substitute nutrient-rich water solutions for soil. This change brings about an evolution in the mushroom industry and satisfies the growing need for sustainable agriculture methods. The advantages of hydroponic mushroom culture are unmatched; they include better nutrient control, year-round output, space efficiency, and pest and disease control. Growers can customize fertilizer levels and create ideal growing conditions for a variety of mushroom species thanks to the accuracy of hydroponic systems. Hydroponics overcomes seasonal limitations to guarantee steady mushroom production, satisfying the rising need for fresh produce that is acquired locally. Its layout maximizes available space, which is especially beneficial for urban farming. usage of land. Because hydroponics is an environmentally benign method, there is less chance of soil-borne illnesses and pests, which means less need for chemical treatments. This method creates a regulated, pollution-free atmosphere that promotes improved mushroom quality and consistency. In addition, hydroponic mushroom farming reduces nutrient leakage and uses less water, which is in line with the global trend toward ecologically friendly farming methods. To sum up, the application of hydroponics to the growth of mushrooms represents a revolutionary advancement in mycology. Improved sustainability, production, and profit for mushroom growers are among the benefits that follow. Hydroponics is a viable solution that could revolutionize the mushroom business and make a substantial contribution towards achieving greater sustainability in agriculture as demand for mushrooms develops.
Kaur, P., & Kapoor, P. (2023). Revolutionizing Mushroom Cultivation: A Comprehensive Review of Hydroponics in Fungiculture. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 42(44), 19–37. https://doi.org/10.9734/cjast/2023/v42i444280
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