Abstract:Buying and selling as a suggestion for help between humans has a strong foundation in the Koran and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. There are so many verses of the Koran that talk about buying and selling, one of which is Surat al-Baqarah verse 275. Whereas in the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW it was seen when asked by one of his friends about what was the best job It turned out that the answer was the effort of the human hand itself and every blessed sale and purchase. But what about when buying and selling transactions without going through qabul, even though he is a legitimate contract in buying and selling. Therefore the author wants to do an analysis in the perspective of Islamic law on this community tradition.Keywords: Transactions, Ijab Kabul, Community Traditions Abstrak: Jual beli sebagai saran tolong menolong antara sesama umat manusia mempunyai landasan yang kuat dalam al-Quran dan sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali ayat al-Quran yang berbicara tentang jual beli, salah satunya adalah surat al-Baqarah ayat 275. Sedangkan dalam sabda Rasulullah SAW terlihat ketika ditanya salah seorang sahabat mengenai pekerjaan (profesi) apa yang paling baik. Ternyata jawabanya adalah usaha tangan manusia sendiri dan setiap jual beli yang diberkati. Akan tetapi bagaimana ketika transaksi jual beli tanpa melalui ijab qabul, padahal ia merupakan akad sah dalam jual beli. Oleh karenanya penulis ingin melakukan analisis dalam perspektif hukum Islam akan tradisi masyarakat ini. Kata Kunci: Transaksi, Ijab Kabul, Tradisi Masyarakat
Aji, A. M. (2018). Transaksi Tanpa Ijab Kabul Dalam Masyarakat Perspektif Hukum Islam. Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.32507/mizan.v2i1.215
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