Abstrak: Modernisasi dan globalisasi tak hanya memberi dampak positif, namun dapat menjadi ancaman bagi jati diri bangsa Indonesia. Arus perubahan sosial budaya membawa krisis bagi pewarisan budaya nasional. Tokoh lokal terlupakan dan tergantikan dengan idola-idola baru produk modernisasi. Begitu juga kehidupan sosial budaya di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) yang kaya budaya dan cerita rakyat yang memuat kisah inspiratif. Hal ini mendasari tujuan kegiatan pengabdian yaitu mengembangkan karakter anak melalui literasi budaya berbasis cerita rakyat NTB. Tim MT. Al-Kahfi Unram bermitra TBM Literasi Lumbung Lombok melaksanakan Program Holistik Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan Desa (PHP2D) atas pendanaan Dirjen Belmawa Kemendikbud berupa pelatihan mendongeng dan penyelenggaraan Festival Cerita Rakyat NTB. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut ialah terbentuknya kelompok pelatihan mendongeng, terciptanya Buku Cerita Rakyat NTB, peserta mengenal cerita rakyat NTB (70%), terimplementasi nilai-nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat NTB dengan sangat baik (84%), peserta memiliki keterampilan berbahasa dengan baik (72%), tumbuhnya minat baca yang sangat tinggi (86%), dan peserta dapat membaca dengan lancar (75%).Abstract: Modernization and globalization not only have a positive impact, but can also be a threat to the identity of the Indonesian nation. The flow of socio-cultural changes brought a crisis to the inheritance of national culture. Local figures are forgotten and replaced with new idols of modernization products. Likewise, the socio-cultural life in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), which is rich in culture and folklore, contains inspirational stories. This underlies the purpose of service activities, namely developing children's character through cultural literacy based on NTB folklore. MT. Al-Kahfi Unram Team partnered with TBM Literasi Lumbung Lombok to carry out the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) with funding from the Director General of Belmawa of the Ministry of Education and Culture in the form of storytelling training and organizing the NTB Folklore Festival. The results of these activities were the formation of a storytelling training group, the creation of an NTB Folklore Book, participants were familiar with NTB folklore (70%), the implementation of the character values contained in NTB folklore very well (84%), participants had language skills with good (72%), the growth of interest in reading is very high (86%), and the participants can read fluently (75%).
Inderasari, O. P., Liastamin, A., Putri, E. M., Ismi, H., Hawariani, H., Saputra, H., … Putra, Y. (2022). PENGEMBANGAN KARAKTER ANAK MELALUI LITERASI BUDAYA BERBASIS CERITA RAKYAT NTB BERMITRA DENGAN TBM LITERASI LUMBUNG LOMBOK SENGKERANG. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 6(2), 1168. https://doi.org/10.31764/jmm.v6i2.7111
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