Introduction: A detailed investigation has been conducted within the frames of an integrated project and on the basis of a number of schools in 3 regional centers of Russian Federation, its goal presuming the search for psychological ways of refining the innovative education system. The set of the project's objectives included analysis of the approaches to organization, implementation of innovative education as well as analysis of possible techniques of constructing peda gogical discourse. Materials and Methods: This investigation presumed either open or hidden observation of the process of structuring and implementation of the education process, as well as observation of the pedagogical discourse, conducting the questioning of the schoolchildren, teachers, school administration and parents. Technical aids of video- and audio-registration were used in course of observations and questioning. The materials obtained were studies, and the conclusions drawn w ere generalized. Results: Pithy material was obtained. Its analysis allows one to state that there are systemic problems in education and upbringing, and that there is the need to apply didactic approaches to the end of forming mind, consciousness, feeling-sense sphere of mind and morality in sch oolchildren. Discussion and Conclusions: Definite approaches to solving these problems are discussed. It is exclusively important that refining the system of innovative education would follow the way of goal-oriented and systemic constructing confidential, correct and only under this circumstance truly innovative pedagogical discourse in class and outside the classroom. Such a discourse shall stimulate not only initiation of thinking activity of schoolchildren (as L. S. Vygotsky presupposed) but, first of all, formation of the feeling-sense sphere of mind, which is the basis for forming personally-valuable feelings, senses and moral orientations of schoolchildren. Formation of consciousness, self-dependence and business qualities of schoolchildren is possible only on such a fundamental basis. Only correctly formed, i.e. feeling-sense based upbringing, ideally and materially grounded education may guarantee high quality of education for schoolchildren, their formation as moral personalities and, so, may ensure due succession of primary, secondary school education and later university education.
Chernyshov, M. Y., & Zhuravleva, A. M. (2016). Psychological efficiency criteria of creative education: Self-dependency, active thinking activity, confidential discourse. Integration of Education, 20(1), 37–50.
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