In France, athletes performances during the Olympics Games celebrate the contribution of all the volunteers who, on a daily basis, work for the development of sport which one hopes to be virtuous. But the enthusiastic character of this celebration hides the contributions of many groups of workers (physiotherapists, doctors, journalists...) also involved in the performances. From an observation of the Olympic Games of Athens 2004, the paper shows how specific interests of two categories of workers (security agents and journalists) are expressed in a context where the voluntary character work is praised as a cardinal value. © Les presses de Science Po. Becker H. S. 1988. Lesmondes de I'art. Paris : Flammarion.
Fleuriel, S. (2006). Le travail dénié et les jeux olympiques: Entre passions et intérêts. Societes Contemporaines, 63(3), 85–103.
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