This article tries to describe the reinterpretation o f the Islamic spirituality in contemporary era. The writer explores the short history in sufism as a source o f Islamic spirituality. He also wants to explore how to interprete the sufism as a product o f history. From its history, we can know the developement o f sufisme period to period. In other hand, we can also reinterprete the meaning o f Islam ic spirituality in the contemporary civilization or modernism p o in t o f view. For example, we can know how to reinterprete the concept o f "wahdat al-w ujud" and "wahdat al-adyan" as a m a in part o f spirituality in Islam. This reinterpretation is expected to contribute the moral ethic or spirituality in contemporary era. ' Lp'&r-j* A P J ^ L < j ^ |t « 8 l P ^ S J l i i t 8JLft ^ v ^-U l J j X jixS 5U>-jt£mill J 3. 4*9 C)t
Baedhowi, B. (2016). Memaknai Kembali Spiritualitas Islam Dalam Peradaban Kontemporer. Millah, III(2), 221–234.
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