Significance of pH-value for meat quality of broilers: Influence of breed lines

  • Ristic M
  • Damme K
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For determination of poultry quality shortly after slaughtering, physical criteria (pH-value, conductivity, colour, juice retention) are of importance. However, they are affected by breeding, transport, cooling and the storage period. PH-values of breast meat (genetically structured material) were recorded shortly after slaughtering (15 min p.m.) and differences between breeding line and gender were found (n=5109). The pH1-values ranged from 5.50 to 6.79. Male broilers showed significantly lower pH1-values than female ones (6.02:6.10). There were also significant differences concerning breeding line and gender. Meat quality (PSE, DFD) of broilers can be recorded quickly and accurately determining the pH1-value of breast meat. Threshold ranges to be considered are ? 5.8 (PSE), 5.9-6.2 (standard meat properties) and ? 6.3 (DFD). This classification is not to be compared to the deviation of pork.Za odredjivanje kvaliteta zivinskog mesa nakon klanja, od znacaja su fizicki kriterijumi (pH vrednost, provodljivost, boja, socnost/zadrzavanje sokova). Medjutim, fizicki kriterijumi su takodje pod uticajem odgajivanja, transporta, hladjenja i duzine transporta. pH vrednosti mesa grudi (genetski struktuiran materijal) su evidentirane odmah nakon klanja (15 min p.m.) i utvrdjene su razlike izmedju genotipa i pola (n=5109). pH1-vrednosti su bile u opsegu od 5.50 do 6.79. Brojleri muskog pola su pokazivali signifikantno nize pH1-vrednosti u poredjenju sa zenskim brojlerima (6,02:6,10). Utvrdjene su takodje signifikantne razlike u odnosu na genotip i pol (5,92 tj. 5,99:6,29 tj. 6,36). Kvalitet mesa (PSE, DFD) brojlera se moze brzo i tacno evidentirati merenjem pH vrednosti mesa grudi. Granicni opsezi su ? 5,8 (PSE), 5,9-6,2 (standardne osobine mesa) i ? 6,3 (DFD). Ova klasifikacija se ne moze porediti sa devijacijom kod svinjskog mesa.




Ristic, M., & Damme, K. (2013). Significance of pH-value for meat quality of broilers: Influence of breed lines. Veterinarski Glasnik, 67(1–2), 67–73.

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