A very elaborate work, prefaced by a detailed description of the structure of the insects. 1171 species are described, and those of other species, unknown to the author, are added in an appendix, raising the total number to 1511. A trinomial nomenclature is adopted throughout, species already known being quoted under their genus, both by the generic and specific names of the original describer. The first two plates are devoted to details; the remainder represent one or more species of all the genera (upwards of 200, of which a large proportion are new), described in this work. The Dytiscidae are divided into two main groups, Dytisci Fragmentati and Dytisci Complicati according to whether the metatboracic episternum reaches the middle coxal cavity or not; but it would be difficult to give a coherent account of the classification adopted, owing to isolated genera being frequently treated as equivalent to named tribes and groups. No references, or even authors' names, are quoted for genera. The following known species are figured:[long dash]Pelobius australasiae, Clark, fig. 106, Noterus clavicornis, De Geer, fig. 111, Colpius inflatus, Lec., fig. 112, Canthydrus nigrinus, Aube, fig. 114, Hydrocanthus grandis, Lap., fig. 115, Vatellus tarsatus, Lap., fig. 117, pl. ix., Amphizoa insolens, Lec., pl. x. fig. 121, Hyphydrus japonicus, Sharp, figs. 137 & 138, australis, Clark, fig. 139, pl. xi., Caelambus acaroides and nubilus, Lec., pl. xii. figs. 145 & 147, Hydroporus undulatus, Say, lapponum, Gyll., nigriceps, Schaum, and addendus, Crotch, figs. 157-160, Celina aculeata, Aube, fig. 161, Agabus cordatus, Lec., fig. 165, pl. xiii. cephalotes, Reiche, brunneus, Fab., gagates, Aube, disintegratus, Crotch, bifarius, Kirby, conspicuus, Sharp, fuscipennis and serricornis, Payk., pl. xiv. figs. 166-173, Platambus pictipennis, Sharp, fig. 180, Ilybius apicalis, Sharp, fig. 182, Copelatus sulcipennis, Cast., fig. 187, and aubaei, Montr., fig. 188, pl. xv. Matus bicarinatus, Say, fig. 192, Coptotorius interrogatus, Fabr., fig. 193, Scutopterus horni, Crotch, fig. 196, Rhantus cicurus, Fabr., Colymbetes sculptilis, Harr., Meladema lanio, Fabr., Hyderodes shuckardi, Hope, figs. 198-201, pl. xv., H. shuckardi, [female], fig. 202, Dytiscus hybridus, Aube, fig. 203, lapponicus, Gyll., figs. 204 & 205, Hydaticus bihamatus and petiti, Aube, figs. 207 & 208, Acilius temisulcatus, Aube, figs. 209 & 210, Thermonectus marmoratus, Hope, and basilaris, Harr., figs. 211 & 212, pl. xvii., Sandracottus hunteri, Crotch, var. chevrolati, Aube, fig. 214, Graphoderes adamsi, Clark, and verrucifer, Sahlb., figs. 216 & 217, Eretes australis, Er., fig. 218, Cybister owas, Cast., limbatus, Fabr., and japonicus, Sharp, figs. 223-225, pl. xviii.
Sharp, D. (2011). On aquatic carnivorous Coleoptera or Dytiscid. On aquatic carnivorous Coleoptera or Dytiscid. Pub. by the Royal Dublin society. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.9530
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