PT. XYZ merupakan sebuah perusahaan memproduksi berbagai macam produk dengan bahan baku plastik. Proses distribusi pada PT. XYZ memiliki beberapa permasalahan yang terjadi pada masing-masing Distribution Centre (DC).Beberapa permasalahan terjadi diperusahaan berupa keterlambatan dalam pengiriman barang kepada konsumen. Dalam memecahkan permsalahan tersebut penelitian menerapkan metode Distribution Resources Planning. Input metode DRP berupa data historis didalam perusahaan selama setahun. Pengolahan diolah melalui jumlah frekuensi pemesanan, order quantitiy dan safety stock. Sistem DRP memberikan aliran produk dari Central Supply Facility secara terstruktur. DRP memberikan kemudahan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan permintaan tanpa mengalami kekurangan stok (Stock Out). Perusahaan dapat menignkatkan tingkat pelayanan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan yang akan datang. PT. XYZ is a company which engaged in injection molding producing a wide range of products with plastic as the raw material. Constraints in distribution process at PT. XYZ is carried out in order to fulfill products demand on every Distribution Centre. One of those contraints indicated that their company are having a bit problem like stocked out on every Distribution Centre that effected to their company performance’s tardiness and products fulfillment. The solution for these problems for a better distribution system is apllying one of the distribution planning by using Distribution Resources Planning Method. Forecasting from the historic demands of the company will be input in the Distribution Resources Planning Method and will be used as input in calculating the ordering frequency, order quantity and safety stock. Distribution Resources Planning system could give a specific products flow from Central Supply Facility to every Distribution Centre in integrated numbers and periods, as if the smoothness of the distribution activity isn’t disturbed and minimize stocked out in every Distribution Centre and optimize the level of service through distribution planning thay could planned the future needs.
Jusco, Alfian Aziz Nasution, & Riza Noviwiyocha. (2019). Perencanaan Jadwal Distribusi dengan Menggunakan Metode Distribution Resources Planning. Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE), 2(4).
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