Student management model in the character development: A case study in laboratory school

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The challenges of students’ negative behavior have been facing by education system in Indonesia. Therefore, the character development become a key focused in current curricula. The laboratory school is a school model which is integrated with pedagogical university. The paper aims to explore students management model in the character Development. The study involved the participants of principal, teachers, parents and students. The research employed case study as a methodology with multiple data collection. The results show that the school has implemented several strategies of student management in the process of students admission, extracurricular. The school has integrated strategies of students leadership and involvement and making character education as integral part of education process. The character development has been succeeding to be implemented by collaboration and shared responsibility of principal, parents, and community. The laboratory school has developing comprehensive approach of emotional, intellectual, and moral development for the students.




Uswadin, Sujanto, B., & Luddin, M. R. (2019). Student management model in the character development: A case study in laboratory school. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6), 76–79.

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