Multi-Context Systems (MCSs) are an expressive framework for interlinking heterogeneous knowledge systems, called contexts. Possible contexts are ontologies, relational databases, logic programs, RDF triplestores, etc. MCSs contain bridge rules to specify knowledge exchange between contexts. We extend the MCS formalism and propose SPARQL-MCS where knowledge exchange is specified in the style of SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. Different from previous approaches to variables in MCSs, we do not impose any restrictions on contexts. To achieve this, we introduce a general approach for variable substitutions in heterogeneous systems. We define syntax and semantics of SPARQL-MCS and investigate fixpoint evaluation of monotonic MCSs. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
Schüller, P., & Weinzierl, A. (2011). Semantic reasoning with SPARQL in heterogeneous multi-context systems. In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (Vol. 83 LNBIP, pp. 575–585). Springer Verlag.
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