Respon Petani Tembakau terhadap Kegiatan Pengembangan Model Usahatani Partisipatif (PMUP) di Desa Tlahab Kecamatan Kledung, Kabupaten Temanggung

  • Arfianto A
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ABSTRACTParticipatory Farming Model Development (Pengembangan Model Usahatani Partisipatif ‐ PMUP)conducted by the government in Desa Tlahab was intended to improve the farmer welfare by increasingincome without sacrificing the heritage of tobacco farming culture while reducing the environmentaldamage caused by tobacco cultivation. This kind of agricultural activities need immense participation andwillingness of the farmers as a supporting response for the implementation of this system on their land.Farmers stated that living conditions have kept them from supporting the implementation of PMUP. Thiscondition includes farmer socio‐economic situation, environmental conditions in carrying out theactivities, the low performance of farmer groups, lack of competitiveness of the PMUP compared toprevious agricultural system, also lack of performance from the institutional boards.Keywords: agricultural sustainable development, agricultural diversification, tobacco farmer responses,regional potential developmentABSTRAKPengembangan Model Usahatani Partisipatif – PMUP yang dikembangkan di Desa Tlahab oleh pemerintahdimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani melalui tambahan pendapatan tanpamengorbankan warisan budaya pengolahan tembakau, sembari mengurangi dampak kerusakan lahanakibat pengolahan tembakau. Hal ini memerlukan partisipasi dan kemauan para petani untukmendukung penerapan program tersebut di lahan mereka. Para petani menyatakan bahwa kondisikehidupan mereka tidak memungkinkan untuk dapat mendukung program PMUP, kondisi tersebutmeliputi kondisi sosial‐ekonomi, kondisi lingkungan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan, kinerja kelompok taniyang rendah, rendahnya daya saing PMUP terhadap sistem lama dan rendahnya kinerja pihak institusi.Kata kunci: pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan, diversifikasi pertanian, respon petani tembakau,pengembangan potensi wilayah




Arfianto, A. (2012). Respon Petani Tembakau terhadap Kegiatan Pengembangan Model Usahatani Partisipatif (PMUP) di Desa Tlahab Kecamatan Kledung, Kabupaten Temanggung. JURNAL PEMBANGUNAN WILAYAH & KOTA, 8(2), 105.

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