Polish cadastral system consists of two registers: cadastre and land register. The cadastre register data on cadastral objects (land, buildings and premises) in particular location (in a two-dimensional coordinate system) and their attributes as well as data about the owners. The land register contains data concerned ownerships and other rights to the property. Registration of a land parcel without spatial objects located on the surface is not problematic. Registration of buildings and premises in typical cases is not a problem either. The situation becomes more complicated in cases of multiple use of space above the parcel and with more complex construction of the buildings.The paper presents rules concerning the registration of various untypical 3D objects located within the city of Warsaw. The analysis of the data concerning those objects registered in the cadastre and land register is presented in the paper. And this is the next part of the author’s detailed research. The aim of this paper is to answer the question if we really need 3D cadastre in Poland.
Marcin, K. (2013). Registration of untypical 3D objects in Polish cadastre – do we need 3D cadastre? Geodesy and Cartography, 61(2), 75–89. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10277-012-0023-8
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