All poultry is sensitive to mycotoxins. This partly depends on the type, age and production categories of poultry, their living conditions and nutritive status and partly on the type, quantity and duration of mycotoxin ingestion. The presence of mycotoxins results in significant health disorders and a decrease in production performances. This leads to considerable economic loss for the poultry industry - either direct losses, i.e. death of the poultry or the indirect ones, i.e. the decrease in body mass, number and quality of eggs, greater food conversion, and immunosuppression. Immunosuppression results in increased sensitivity to infective agents and a bad vaccinal response. Morevover, mycotoxin residues in poultry meat, eggs and products derived from them pose a threat to human health. In order to prevent and reduce the negative implications of mycotoxins in the poultry production, it is necessary to create both global and national strategies for combatting mycotoxins, advance diagnostic techniques and procedures, intensify the control of food quality, introduce new limits on the maximum amount of mycotoxins allowed in food and poultry feed used for certain species and categories of animals, and synchronise it with the European standards.Sva zivina je osetljiva na mikotoksine u zavisnosti od vrste, starosne i proizvodne kategorije, uslova ambijenta i nutritivnog statusa, sa jedne strane, i vrste, kolicine i duzine unosenja mikotoksina, sa druge strane. Prisustvo mikotoksina rezultira znacajnim poremecajem zdravlja i padom proizvodnih performansi, a samim tim i znacajnim ekonomskim gubicima u zivinarskoj industriji, kako direktnim, koji se ocituju uginucem zivine, tako i indirektnim, u vidu pada telesne mase, broja i kvaliteta jaja, vece konverzije hrane i imunosupresijom. Imunosupresija rezultira povecanom osetljivoscu na infektivne agense i losim vakcinalnim odgovorom. Opasnost po ljudsko zdravlje predstavljaju rezidue mikotoksina u zivinskom mesu, jajima i proizvodima dobijenim od njih. Da bi se predupredile i smanjile negativne implikacije mikotoksina u zivinarskoj proizvodnji potrebno je formirati kako globalne tako i nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv mikotoksina, unaprediti dijagnosticke tehnike i procedure, poostriti kontrolu kvaliteta hrane, uvesti nove limite za maksimalne kolicine mikotoksina u hrani i hranivima za pojedine zivotinjske vrste i kategorije i uskladiti ih sa evropskim standardima.
Resanovic, R., Nesic, K., Nesic, V., Palic, T., & Jacevic, V. (2009). Mycotoxins in poultry production. Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, (116), 7–14.
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