OBJECTIVE Cardiovascular disease is the first cause of death in Spain. There are a few studies about the incidence of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease in workers. The objectives of this study were to determine the incidence of coronary and cerebrovascular disease in a cohort of workers of a public administration in the south of Spain, to estimate the prevalence of CVRF and its contribution to it, as well as to evaluate the predictive behavior of the REGICOR function. METHODS Longitudinal historical cohort study, not concurrent, consisting of 698 workers, recruited from occupational health examinations. The dependent variables were the appearance of CI or CVD while leading independent were glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, BMI, blood pressure, waist circumference, physical activity, smoking and REGICOR score and Score. Is performed Cox regression and its calculated area AUC of the ROC curve area for the explanatory variables. RESULTS According to the REGICOR function, 0.6% of the population was classified as high risk. The Incidence Density per 100,000 persons-year for ischemic heart disease in women was found to be 53.9 by 357.4 in men, without significant differences with respect to those expected from the REGICOR function. The combined DI for ischemic heart disease and stroke was 477.1 per 100,000 person-years (men). CONCLUSIONS The REGICOR function adequately assesses cardiovascular risk globally, losing predictive capacity according to risk groups. Smoking and blood pressure are shown as modifiable risk factors with greater independent association in the onset of cardiovascular disease. OBJETIVO Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la primera causa de muerte en España. Existen escasos estudios sobre incidencia de acontecimientos cardiovasculares en trabajadores. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron conocer la incidencia de cardiopatía isquémica (CI) y enfermedad cerebrovascular (ECV) en trabajadores de una administración pública del sur de España, estimar la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular (FRCV) y su contribución a la misma, así como evaluar el comportamiento predictivo de la función REGICOR. METODOS Se realizó un estudio longitudinal de cohortes históricas, no concurrentes, constituidas por 698 trabajadores, reclutados en los exámenes de salud laboral. Las variables dependientes fueron la aparición de CI o ECV, mientras que las principales independientes fueron glucosa, colesterol, triglicéridos, Índice d…
Álvarez-Fernández, C., Romero-Saldaña, M., Álvarez-López, C., & Vaquero-Abellán, M. (2020). Incidencia de cardiopatía isquémica y accidente cerebrovascular en trabajadores de una administración local del sur de España a lo largo de diez años de seguimiento. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 94, 202001001. https://doi.org/10.4321/s1135-57272020000100019
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