Biotechnology Biotechnology is broadly ���� as the application of ����� and engineering principles to produce valuable substances by deploying biological agents. Here, the biological agents are not only limited to microorganisms but animals and plants are also being used for the purpose. �� substances referred here are renewable materials produced by the biological agents for food, feed, beverages, pharmaceuticals and industrial uses. Today, scientists can isolate any gene of interest from any organism or part thereof and incorporate it into a small self-replicating extrachromosomal genetic element for multiplication as well as expression of the gene. �� recombinant DNA molecule thus produced can be introduced into host cells such as bacteria or yeast to grow large vats or fermenters full of the recombinant organism. ��� have empowered scientists to tailor-make genes and have they expressed in living organism to produce the desirable product [1]. Some of the achievements of current biotechnology research include production of life-saving drugs in microorganisms, development of the golden rice and the iron-rich rice, biofertilizers, biopesticides, use of plants and animals as bioreactors for producing enzymes and chemicals for industrial uses, production of biodegradable plastics, biosensors, superbug etc. for tackling some of the environmental problems. �� biotechnological tools and techniques, if properly integrated with other technologies, provide tremendous opportunities for sustainable developments in several areas of human endeavors. Achievements of Biotechnology Since the discovery of recombinant DNA technology, newer techniques and applications have been developed that are ����� mankind in the areas of agriculture, medicine, environment, industry and forensic science. Industrial biotechnology is an expanding ��� that includes production of enzymes for a variety of industrial uses and deploying microorganisms and plants for treatment of wastes and abatement of pollutions. Bacterial bioleaching (using ���� bacteria to extract metals from ores or mine wastes) is another growing sector of mining industry. Screening the microbial diversity of various environments (e.g. the oceans, hot springs, deserts, glaciers etc.) and deciphering their genetic information aimed at ������� and utilization of microorganisms in the manufacture of drugs, enzymes and a wide range of bioactive compounds provide tremendous potential applications of industrial biotechnology. Fungus is used in bio pulping to convert wood-chips into pulp in paper industry. In the health industry, biotechnology is used to produce more ����� and ����� vaccines, antibiotics and other therapeutics. It is used to develop diagnostic tools for identifying heritable diseases. DNA ����� is now successfully used to diagnose hereditary diseases to predict the chance of an individual inheriting a disease from an ���� parent. It can also be used to detect the predisposition of an individual to a cancer, or chromosomal aberrations. Biotechnology has produced more than 160 drugs and vaccines and there are about 370 pharmaceutical products and vaccines currently under clinical trials targeting more than 200 diseases, including various cancers, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, AIDS and arthritis. ���� gene therapy, scientists are targeting to cure genetic diseases by replacing defective genes with healthy ones. Environmental biotechnology aims at optimal use of the nature, in the form of plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and algae to produce renewable energy, food and nutrients in a synergistic integrated cycle where the waste of one process becomes the feedstock for another. It is mainly concerned with the application of biotechnology in the environmental protection, since the rapid industrialization, urbanization and other developments have threatened clean environment and depleted natural resources. Developing and using alternative fuels that burn cleaner would minimize air pollutions and improve air quality for breathing. Oil spills clean up in the oceans can be managed with the microbes isolated from oil wells which can degrade oil or use it as energy source. Biosensors have become crucial for monitoring environmental pollutions which exploit biological ������ to produce signals that can be used to measure pollution level. Biosensors for heavy metals and pesticides have been successfully designed [2,3]. Forensic biotechnology is proving to be vital for detection and investigation of crime, administration of justice, providing crucial information about the evidences found at crime scene. Analysis of DNA samples allows precise �������� to be made from very tiny bits of evidence collected at the crime scene. �� has really brought a revolution in the era of forensic science. Today, several PCR-based DNA ����� systems are used to relate the evidence collected at the crime scene with the suspect. In judicial system, forensic experts use DNA ����� to identify suspects in criminal cases especially where body ��� and other particles like hair and skin samples can be retrieved. Agricultural biotechnology enables gene transfer across the natural barriers, thus creating a universal gene pool. Animal biotechnology has been used to hasten animal growth, enhanced reproductive capacity, improved animal health and several new animal products. Biotechnology is also being used to develop low-cost disease-free planting materials for crops such as cassava, banana, potato etc. and is creating new tools for diagnosis and treatment of plant and animal diseases. Plant genetic engineering promises to contribute ������� in agriculture, energy and health sectors, and environmental stewardship. However, like any other powerful technology, biotechnology also requires to be handled with utmost care and safety. With the increasing applications of biotechnology in almost all the
Kumar, S. (2015). Biosafety and Biosecurity Issues in Biotechnology Research. Biosafety, 04(01).
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