ABSTRAKLahirnya UU 6/2014 tentang Desa, membutuhkan kesiapan pelaksanaannya terutama kesiapan sumberdaya aparatur pemerintah desa (SDAP). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pemetaan kapasitas dan mengembangkan strategi peningkatan kapasitas SDAP desa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan data primer (wawancara dan observasi dokumen serta artefak) serta data sekunder dari instansi terkait. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kapasitas sumberdaya aparatur desa di Kalimantan Timur masih belum optimal baik ditinjau dalam aspek Perencanaan dan Penganggaran Desa, Keuangan Desa, Penyusunan Kebijakan Desa, dan Manajemen Pelayanan Desa. Berbagai program peningkatan kapasitas telah dilakukan baik oleh Pemerintah Provinsi, Pemerintah Kabupaten maupun inisiatif Pemerintah Desa. Namun berbagai program peningkatan kapasitas belum terintegrasi antar instansi, serta lebih banyak pada aspek teknis. Di sisi lain, pengelolaan sumberdaya desa tidak hanya membutuhkan kapasitas teknis, namun kapasitas manajemen, kewirausahaan dan kapasitas berfikir konseptual. Sumberdaya aparatur di wilayah perdesaan, sebagian besar berpendidikan SMA ke bawah secara umum mempunyai potensi kearifan lokal, namun terbatas untuk kapasitas manajerial dan kapasitas berfikir konseptual. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk penguatan kapasitas sumberdaya aparatur desa desa selain melalui sosialisasi, pelatihan, bimbingan teknis, konsultasi yang selama ini dilakukan yaitu melalui penguatan kapasitas manajemen dan kewirausahaan. Kedua, melalui pengembangan modul-modul yang memudahkan SDAP desa dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya desa.Kata kunci: Desa, Kapasitas, Sumberdaya Aparatur ABSTRACTThe issuance of Law 6/2014 concerning Village Government requires readiness for its implementation, especially the readiness of village apparatus resources. The purpose of this activity is to map capacity and develop strategies to increase village apparatus resources capacity. The study uses a qualitative approach using primary data (interviews and observation of documents and artifacts) as well as secondary data from related institutions. The results of the study found that the capacity of village apparatus resources in East Kalimantan was still not optimal both in terms of Village Planning Budgeting, Village Finance, Village Policy Formulation, and Village Service Management. Various capacity building programs have been carried out both by the Provincial Government, District Government and the Village Government initiative. However, various capacity building programs have not been integrated between agencies, and there are more technical aspects. On the other hand, management of village resources on the other hand requires not only technical capacity, but management capacity, entrepreneurship and capacity for conceptual thinking. Apparatus Resources in rural areas, most of them with high school education and below generally have local wisdom potential, but are limited to managerial capacity and capacity for conceptual thinking. This article recommends strategies that can be applied to strengthen the capacity of the village apparatus resources in addition to through socialization, training, technical guidance, consultation that has been carried out so far through strengthening management and entrepreneurial capacity. Second, through the development of modules that facilitate village human resources development in managing village resources.Keywords: Apparature Resources, Capacity, Village
Nofiarsyah, N. (2019). PEMETAAN SUMBERDAYA APARATUR DESA DI PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TIMUR. JURNAL RISET PEMBANGUNAN, 2(1), 47–66. https://doi.org/10.36087/jrp.v2i1.46
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