The results obtained by the analysis of the samples of coffee mostly consumed on our market showed that the coffee quality corresponds to the values as given in the Law of Health Food. It was not found that any of the parameters which determine food quality exceeded permitted values. Content of heavy metals and aflatoxines is below permitted values. The least content of caffeine was determined in a coffee sample roasted in the private roaster?s shop, and only in it the presence of coffee surrogates/substitutes was not proved. The obtained results of the coffee analysis showed that the coffees of most popular producers are very equal, and results of caffeine analysis are even more equal. This indicates the most probable fact that coffee is of the same origin, and that later, on during production, a different mixture was made, which affects the final product and gives aroma and taste to the liquid.Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta kafa koje se najcesce konzumiraju na nasem trzistu pokazali su da kvalitet kafe odgovara vrednostima koje su preporucene Zakonom o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti namirnica. Ovim ispitivanjima utvrdjeno je da nisu prekoracene dozvoljene granice nijednog od parametra koji uticu na kvalitet namirnica. Sadrzaj teskih metala i aflatoksina je ispod dozvoljenih vrednosti. Najmanji sadrzaj kofeina odredjen je u uzorku kafe koja je proizvedena u privatnoj przionici, a takodje jedino u njoj nije dokazano prisustvo surogata kafe. Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja kafe ukazuju da su kafe najpoznatijih proizvodjaca veoma ujednacene, a rezultati ispitivanja kofeina cak i izjednaceni. To ukazuje na verovatnu cinjenicu da je kafa istog porekla, a da je kasnije u pogonima pravljena razlicita mesavina, koja i utice na konacni proizvod i koja daje aromu i ukus napitku.
Rajkovic, M., Vukovic, G., Peric, L., Demin, M., Lalicic, J., & Kovacevic, D. (2004). Analyzing of coffee quality with different methods. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade, 49(1), 87–96.
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