Percepções e experiências dos homens sobre o planejamento familiar no sul de Moçambique

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The study explores the perceptions and experiences of men about family planning (FP) in two contexts of southern Mozambique: in the locality of Macarretane (Gaza province) and in the Mafalala neighborhood (capital city of Maputo). Combining qualitative methods, men’s knowledge and practices about FP are explored, as well as perceiving their role (and involvement) in reproductive sexual health and the forms of dialogue and negotiation with their partners about FP. PF was only defined as a barrier to unwanted pregnancies. Men’s knowledge about FP from a biomedical point of view is weak. There is a perception that modern contraceptives create side effects on a woman’s body, putting her reproductive capacity and sexual pleasure at risk. The capacity or inability to negotiate the use of FP by women is influenced by gender norms and masculinities in force. Men feel that their role in FP is to allow their partners to plan. Dialogue and articulation around the use of FP services are also influenced by gender norms and patterns of masculinity.




Pedro, V. M., Mariano, E. C., Roelens, K., & Bique Osman, N. M. R. (2016). Percepções e experiências dos homens sobre o planejamento familiar no sul de Moçambique. Physis, 26(4), 1313–1333.

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