We consider the on-line version of the original m-machine scheduling problem: given m machines and n positive real jobs, schedule the n jobs on the m machines so as to minimize the makespan, the completion time of the last job. In the on-line version, as soon as job j arrives, it must be assigned immediately to one of the m machines. We present two main results. The first is a (2 - ε)-competitive deterministic algorithm for all m. The competitive ratio of all previous algorithms approaches 2 as m → ∞. Indeed, the problem of improving the competitive ratio for large m had been open since 1966, when the first algorithm for this problem appeared. The second result is an optimal randomized algorithm for the case m = 2. To the best of our knowledge, our 4/3-competitive algorithm is the first specifically randomized algorithm for the original, m-machine, on-line scheduling problem. © 1995 by Academic Press, Inc.
Bartal, Y., Fiat, A., Karloff, H., & Vohra, R. (1995). New algorithms for an ancient scheduling problem. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 51(3), 359–366. https://doi.org/10.1006/jcss.1995.1074
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