Notch~ d a nd unnotch e~ teJ.lsile speci mens of annealed commercially pure titanium were slowly stramed to fract ure m smgle-stage tests at -196° to + 100° C. Unnotched tensile sp ecill1 e~ s a lso wer e strained in t wo-stage test~ (strained at one temperature unt il just after the maXlmu m load w!1s reacl;ed and t hen stra.llled to fracture at a different temperat ure) to r eveal t he effect of pnor-stram-temper at ure history on t he tensile proper ties of t he titanium . Impact tests were made on Charpy V-notch specimens at -U)6 ° to + 200° C for a determina-tion of t he impact notch-toughness of the metal. T rue-stress-true-strain relations were determined for t~e t.itan. ium in tension, and a stu d y was r;l ade of the effects of test temperature and the stress cl1strlbutlOn on the rates of work-hardenmg of t he metal.
Geil, G. W., & Carwile, N. L. (1955). Effect of low temperatures on the mechanical properties of a commercially pure titanium. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 54(2), 91.
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