Where the Personal is (Geo)Political: Performing Queer Visibility in Georgia in the Context of EU Association

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This article examines the interplay between the European Union’s (EU) interventions fostering LGBT+ rights in Georgia, and the visibility-raising strategies of local queer activists. The growing antagonism between the EU and Russia over their “shared neighborhood” crystallizes the idea of a value-based divide between the West/EUrope and the East/Russia on LGBT+ issues—with Georgia occupying a liminal position therein. The paper puts forward the concept of geopoliticization to unpack how the discursive construction of LGBT+ equality as a geopolitical issue shapes Georgian queer activists’ visibility strategies, and to interrogate the outcomes these processes produce.




Luciani, L. (2023). Where the Personal is (Geo)Political: Performing Queer Visibility in Georgia in the Context of EU Association. Problems of Post-Communism, 70(2), 197–208. https://doi.org/10.1080/10758216.2021.1937228

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