The effect of corn feeding forms in multiple supplements on performance of finishing steers grazing signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf) during rainy season was evaluated. Sixteen crossbred steers with initial weight of 384 kg and 18 mo old were distributed to four supplements mineral mix (MM) (control) and three multiple supplements with different feeding forms of corn: ground corn (GC); ground ear-corn (GEC) and ground whole-plant corn (GWPC) - in a completely randomized experimental design with four replicates. The animals were kept in pasture, 6 ha of signal grass, divided into four paddocks of 1.5 ha, with total dry matter and potentially digestible dry matter availabilities of 4.77 t/ha and 3.14 t/ha, respectively. Four esophagus, rumen and abomasum fistulated crossbred animals with initial weight of 390 kg, were used to evaluate the nutritional parameters. Animals were distributed to a 4 × 4 Latin square, composed of four supplements and four experimental periods. The animals in the control group were fed daily with 60 g/day of MM, while the others were fed with 1.0 kg/day of the multiple supplements different. Multiple supplements did not influence the performance of animals, but serum urea concentrations were higher in animals fed with the different multiple supplements. Crude protein and intake and digestibility increased with the use multiple supplements. Animals of the control showed higher dry matter and organic matter intake from the pasture. The different multiple supplements (1 kg/day) promoted numerical increase of up to 165 g/animal/day in relation to control during rainy season. Ground whole-plant corn and ground ear-corn are equivalent to ground corn for steers in the finishing phase in pasture in the rainy season. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
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Porto, M. O., Paulino, M. F., Valadares Filho, S. de C., Sales, M. F. L., Detmann, E., & Cavali, J. (2008). Formas de utilização do milho em suplementos para novilhos na fase de terminação em pastagem no período das águas: desempenho e parâmetros nutricionais. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 37(12), 2251–2260.