ABSTRACTHuman resources play an important role in determining the progress of a government or private institution. This quantitative research aims to determine the effect of work ethic, organizational culture and workload on employee performance at the Jatiuwung District office, the study was conducted on 60 employees, data analysis used multiple linear regression. The results showed that partially work ethic has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Organizational culture partially has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Workload partially has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously work ethic, organizational culture and workload have a positive and significant effect on employee performance as indicated by the value of F count F table (21,266 2,77) and a significance of 0.000. The ability of work ethic, organizational culture and workload variables is able to explain employee performance by 53,3%, the remaining 46,7% is influenced by other factors that are not included in the research model. With the value of the multiple linear regression equation Y = 2,882 + 0,112 + 0,259 + 0,578.Keywords: employee performance; work ethic; organizational culture; workload.ABSTRAKSumber daya manusia memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan maju mundurnya suatu instansi pemerintah maupun swasta.Penelitian ini bersipat kuantitatif bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh etos kerja, budaya organisasi dan beban kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai pada kantor Kecamatan Jatiuwung, penelitian dilakukan terhadap 60 orang pegawai, analisa data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial etos kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Budaya organisasi secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Beban kerja secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Secara simultan etos kerja, budaya organisasi dan beban kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai ditunjukkan dengan nilai F hitung F tabel (21,266 2,77) dan signifikansi 0,000. Kemampuan variabel etos kerja, budaya organisasi dan beban kerja mampu menjelaskan kinerja pegawai sebesar 53,3% sisanya 46,7% dipengaruhi faktor lain yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam model penelitian. Dengan nilai persamaan regresi linier berganda Y=2,882+0,112+0,259+0,578.Kata kunci: kinerja pegawai; etos kerja; budaya organisasi; beban kerja.
Hakim, F., Esha, D., & Latifa, L. (2022). PENGARUH ETOS KERJA, BUDAYA ORGANISASI DAN BEBAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI PADA KANTOR KECAMATAN JATIUWUNG. Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, 7(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37058/jem.v7i1.1993
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