Virtuality in architecture: From perspective representation to augmented reality

  • Cahtarevic R
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Notion of virtuality correlates mainly to visual aspects of space, presuming that basic qualities of physical space can be simulated by graphics, providing not just visual illusion of the third dimension of real space, but psychological involvement and transfer of the spectator into the space of the picture, giving him the sense of the spatial location and presence. Creation of virtual space that could be perceptually sensed and by virtual presence modified and shaped, explored and experienced, is not just result of advanced computer technology, but could be traced through history of spatial representations, that was based mainly in artistic and architectural practice. Architecture, being leading field that synthesize representation, construction and sense of spatial creation, had to be involved in explorations of multidimensional complex network of dynamic informational space, that is revealed in its real and virtual dimension as unique universe. Real-time experience in virtual space allow access in the alternative dimension to every open mind, giving him possibilities to play and work, to construct and represent, search, explore and express, augmenting reality into the complex network of information flow between visible and invisible space.Pojam virtuelnosti povezan je pretezno sa vizuelnim aspektima prostora, pretpostavljajuci da osnovni kvaliteti fizickog prostora mogu biti graficki simulirani, pruzajuci ne samo vizuelnu impresiju trece dimenzije realnog prostora,vec psiholosko ukljucivanje i prenos posmatraca u prostor slike, dajuci mu osjecaj prostorne lokacije i prisutnosti. Kreiranje virtuelnog prostora koji se moze perceptualno osjetiti i virtuelnom prisutnoscu modificirati i oblikovati, istraziti i iskusiti, nije samo rezultat napredne racunarske tehnologije, vec moze biti istrazeno kroz istoriju prostornog prikazivanja, zasnovanog uglavnom u umjetnickoj i arhitektonskoj praksi. Arhitektura, kao vodeca oblast koja sintetizira reprezentaciju, konstrukciju i osjecaj za prostorno stvaranje, mora biti ukljucena u istrazivanja multidimenzionalne kompleksne mreze dinamickog informacijskog prostora koji se otkriva u svojoj realnoj i virtuelnoj dimenziji, kao jedinstven univerzum. Iskustvo u realnom vremenu u virtuelnom prostoru dopusta pristup u alternativnu dimenziju svakom otvorenom umu, dajuci mu mogucnosti da se igra i radi, konstruise i prikazuje, traga, istrazuje i izrazava, prosirujuci realnost u kompleksnu mrezu informacijskog toka izmedju vidljivog i nevidljivog prostora.




Cahtarevic, R. (2008). Virtuality in architecture: From perspective representation to augmented reality. Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 6(2), 235–241.

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