Wabah Coronavirus (COVID-19) sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah besar di dunia kesehatan. Tingginya kematian kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia menggerakkan pemerintah untuk gencar melakukan kegiatan vaksinasi secara bertahap. Kegiatan vaksinasi COVID-19 dilakukan untuk menurunkan kesakitan dan kematian akibat COVID-19, upaya pencegahan dan melindungi kesehatan masyarakat, mencapai kekebalan kelompok (herd immunity) dan memperkuat sistem kesehatan, menjaga produktifitas serta meminimalkan dampak sosial dan ekonomi. Sasaran vaksinasi pada lansia menjadi perhatian khusus, mengingat sekitar 50% kematian akibat COVID-19 terjadi pada lansia. Tujuan pengabdian : mempercepat target vaksinasi pada lansia. Pelaksanaan vaksinasi pada lansia dilakukan dengan door to door di Dusun Ampeldento Karangploso dengan jumlah target / sasaran 142 lansia. Hasil didapatkan 90% sasaran lansia telah dilakukan vaksinasi secara door to door. Jenis vaksin yang diberikan Vaksin Sinovac yang dilakukan 2 tahap yaitu dosis ke-1 dengan peserta 129 lansia dan dosis ke-2 125 peserta. Beberapa lansia tidak dapat dilakukan vaksin dikarenakan adanya komorbid dengan hipertensi dan diabetes. Kesimpulan pemberian vaksin Sinovac pada lansia dapat mempercepat penurunan pandemi dan agar herd immunity segera tercapai dalam kurun waktu kurang dari 1 tahun. Kata kunci : vaksinasi, covid-19, lansia, door to door ABSTRACT The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is still a big problem in the world of health. The high mortality rate of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has moved the government to aggressively carry out vaccination activities in stages. COVID-19 vaccination activities are carried out to reduce morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19, prevent and protect public health, achieve herd immunity and strengthen the health system, maintain productivity and minimize social and economic impacts. The target of vaccination in the elderly is of particular concern, considering that around 50% of deaths from COVID-19 occur in the elderly. Purpose of service: to accelerate vaccination targets for the elderly. The vaccination for the elderly was carried out door to door in Ampeldento Karangploso District with a target number of 142 elderly. The results showed that 90% of elderly targets had been vaccinated door to door. The type of vaccine given is the Sinovac vaccine, which is carried out in 2 stages, namely the 1st dose with 129 elderly participants and the 2nd dose of 125 participants. Some of the elderly cannot be vaccinated due to comorbidities with hypertension and diabetes. The conclusion is that giving the Sinovac vaccine to the elderly can accelerate the decline in the pandemic and so that herd immunity can be achieved in less than 1 year. Keywords: vaccination, covid-19, elderly
Mayasari, S. I., Rahmawati, W., & Retnaningrum, D. N. (2021). PEDULI LANSIA DARI COVID-19 DENGAN GERAKAN VAKSINASI DOOR TO DOOR DUSUN AMPELDENTO KARANGPLOSO KABUPATEN MALANG. LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5(2), 137. https://doi.org/10.25077/logista.5.2.137-144.2021
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