Importance: Visual function is critical to support occupational performance for persons with Parkinson’s disease(PwP), yet it can be adversely affected by the disease.Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and general awareness of visual dysfunction and identify the associationbetween visual dysfunction and occupational performance in PwP.Design: Self-reported cross-sectional electronic survey.Participants: PwP, identified from a registered database at a neurological institute, were invited to complete thesurvey through emails and newsletters.Outcomes and Measures: The survey contained items of self-reported visual difficulties, diagnosed eyeconditions, and about general awareness about disease-related visual dysfunction. Ophthalmological symptomsand occupational performance were measured with the Visual Impairment Parkinson’s disease Questionnaire andthe Revised Self-Reported Functional Visual Performance Scale, respectively.Results: Data from PwP (n 5 92; Mage 5 69 yr) were analyzed. Nearly half were unaware that their disease couldaffect vision. Awareness was not associated with disease duration. Individuals reporting awareness tended toreport difficulties with vision. Functional activities requiring vision were mildly impaired, and the frequency ofophthalmologic symptoms (commonly related to ocular surface disorder) was low. Nevertheless, a higherfrequency of ophthalmologic symptoms was positively associated with a higher degree of disability in activities ofdaily living (Spearman’s r 5 .49, p < .01).Conclusions and Relevance: Visual dysfunction related to Parkinson’s disease may affect occupationalperformance. Screening for changes in vision in these individuals may aid occupational therapists in addressingfunctional independence and activity engagement.What This Article Adds: People with Parkinson’s disease may not have a general awareness that the disease canadversely affect visual function. Those individuals with awareness tend to notice changes in vision, and thisdisease-related visual dysfunction may limit engagement and participation in everyday activities. Active evaluationof visual function in people with Parkinson’s disease is recommended. Occupational therapists could play a keyrole by screening for visual dysfunction and providing patient education in the clinic.
Tester, N. J., Liu, C. J., Shin, Y. C., & Shukla, A. W. (2023). Visual Dysfunction and Occupational Performance in Persons With Parkinson’s Disease. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(6).
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