In this work, the validity of a set of context variables belonging to the ecosystem of the technological entrepreneurship (TE) is empirically tested. Applying panel data methodology in a sample of 65 countries during the period 2006-2013, the results show that factors such as informal non-conventional financing, the existence of referent entrepreneurs or technological support positively influence the creation of New Technology-Based Firms (NTBF). Conversely, knowing an entrepreneur and the market size have a negative influence on the creation of NTBFs. These findings, contrary to what is abundant in the literature on entrepreneurship, show the need to maintain a differentiated ecosystem proposal for the TE.
Huamaní, G. A. Z., López, S. F., & Gómez, I. N. (2019). Contextual factors of technological entrepreseurship. Revista de Economia Mundial, 2019(53), 179–202.
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