O bjectives: To analyze the Satureja In can a's essential oil fitobioactives com pounds by gas chrom atography-m ass spectrom etry (GC-MS); and to determ ine the extractive yield and Satureja In ca n a 's essential oil physico-chem ical characteristics. M ethods: Young branches in bloom were collected, with cuts o f 2 0-3 5 cm, collects location at an altitude o f 2 6 8 2 msl; Palca district, Tarma province, Junín region. Extraction: stainless steel extractor m achine, tim e 1 hour. Physicochemical characterization: Peruvian Technique N orm. G CM S analysis: helium gas flo w 20 m l.m in-1 , essential oil injection of 0,2 ul, gradient therm al configuration. Results: The extraction yield was 0 ,4 9 dry basis with relative density 0 ,9 8 1 6 ; refractive index o f 1 ,48 79 and acid index o f 1 ,9 8 6 0 ; and the phytochem ical com position: m ainly 6 6 ,3 7 % sesquiterpene and 3 0 ,0 7 % m onoterpenes concentration; being the m ain com pounds: germ acrene D 25,91 %, P cariofilene 2 2 ,1 0 %, a-o cim e ne 12,62 %, 4 (8)-p-m entone 6 ,7 3 %, hum ulene 3 ,9 5 %, oxide caryophyllene 3 ,0 8 %, lim onene 2 ,4 4 %; and m inority: 6 bourbeneno 1,95 %, P-ocim ene 1,78 %, espatulenol 1,66 %, P-linalool 1,64 %, dlisopulegol 1,66 %, a-cubebeno 1,51 %, 8-C adinene 0 ,8 9 %, a-pinene 0 ,4 5 %, P-pinene 0 ,52 %. C onclusions: some com pound chem ical's bioactive identified w ould provide p ro of fo r his use e tnophytopharm acobotanical. Present characteristic potential to utilize in form ulations so as to pesticides due to germ acreno D's presence in high concentration to it.
Ricaldi, J., & Martínez, A. (2014). Cromatografía de gases–espectrometría de masas de compuestos fitobioactivos del aceite esencial de Satureja incana. Apuntes de Ciencia & Sociedad, 04(02), 280–287. https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2014033
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