The influence of mycotoxins in food on fish health status

  • Jakic-Dimic D
  • Jeremic S
  • Nesic K
  • et al.
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In our country, there is present extensive, semi-intensive and intensive growing of cyprinid fish species. The quality of food is an essential prerequisite for obtaining optimal production results in fish production. Fish food is being produced as a complete pellet meal, and raw materials used are of plant, animal, mineral and vitamin origin. Out of plant feed, the most commonly used ones are corn, wheat, barley, oats, soy and others. By applying additional carbohydrate food, energetic needs of an organism are being met. In this paper, we presented the results of hygienic safety of carbohydrate feed (corn, wheat, barley) investigated in the laboratory of Veterinary Research Institute of Serbia in Belgrade within regular control, or with the aim of establishing the causes of disturbance of health status and decreased production results in the pond. During 2004 we performed microbiology and mycotoxicology investigations of the total of 43 samples, namely: 31 corn samples, 8 barley samples and 4 wheat samples. The obtained results point at a high level of mould contamination (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, and Rhizopus) and the presence of their secondary mycotoxin metabolites (aflatoxin, ochratoxin, trichothecenes and zearalenone) in feed.U nasoj zemlji je zastupljeno ekstenzivno, poluintenzivno i intenzivno gajenje ciprinidnih vrsta riba. Kvalitet hrane je bitan preduslov za postizanje optimalnih proizvodnih rezultata u ribarstvu. Hrana za ribe proizvodi se kao peletiran kompletan obrok, a sirovine koje se upotrebljavaju su biljnog animalnog, mineralnog i vitaminskog porekla. Od biljnih hraniva najcesce se upotrebljavaju kukuruz, psenica, jecam, ovas, soja i dr. Dodatnom ugljenohidratnom hranom se zadovoljavaju energetske potrebe organizma. U radu su prikazani rezultati higijenske ispravnosti ugljenohidratnih hraniva (kukuruz, psenica, jecam) ispitivanih u laboratoriji Naucnog instituta za veterinarstvo Srbije u Beogradu u okviru redovne kontrole ili u cilju utvrdjivanja uzroka poremecaja zdravstvenog stanja i losijih proizvodnih rezultata na ribnjaku. U toku 2004. godine izvrsena su mikrobioloska i mikotoksikoloska ispitivanja ukupno 43 uzorka: 31 uzorak kukuruza, 8 uzoraka jecma i 4 uzorka psenice. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na visok stepen kontaminacije gljivicama (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Rhizopus) i na prisustvo njihovih sekundarnih metabolita mikotoksina (aflatoksin, ohratoksin trihteceni, zearalenon) u hranivima.




Jakic-Dimic, D., Jeremic, S., Nesic, K., & Radosavljevic, V. (2005). The influence of mycotoxins in food on fish health status. Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, (109), 73–79.

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