Cloud Based Attendance Monitoring

  • et al.
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In the recent trends, the method of taking attendance is a very tedious task. It takes quite a lot of time for monitoring and uploading the attendance data in the server. There is a need that a higher official must have to analyse various attendance parameters of various students in different areas. A displaying of the statistical data of the attendance parameters proves to be very useful for the faculties in charge for taking attendance. Hence this method proposes the concept of developing an application that is intended to take attendance and provide some statistical attendance data for the same. QR code is used as the input for the attendance. The App then processes the data and an intermediate scripting language called Google Apps Script is used to transmit the information from Kodular to Firebase. Hence, this method is used to reduce the stress of personnel in charge for taking attendance.




Devaprakash, L. … Vijayalakshmi, V. J. (2020). Cloud Based Attendance Monitoring. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(6), 423–426.

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