Lichen secondary metabolites as possible antiviral agents

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Section 7.1 will begin with broad and specific definitions of lichens and antiviral agents. Here, we will focus briefly on viruses and antiviral agents: Their nature, characteristics, source, and effects. We shall also attempt to classify antiviral agents based on their mode of action and targeted virus cluster. Lichen as a broad group of useful source of phytochemical agents would be clearly described. Emphasis would be placed on the renewed interest and attention surrounding them and their unique niche in natural product research. Section 7.2 deals with issues related to secondary metabolites (phytochemicals) from lichen. Lichen compounds and extractives because they possess some biological effects will form also the focus of this section. How they influence biological host and agents would be described briefly in the latter part of this section with proper X-ray of various reported agents of lichen origin that display antiviral activities. The exact sources of these compounds and extractives would be fully elucidated. Here, we will lightly also mention yet-to-be-validated lichen-derived compounds with speculated or rumored antiviral property. This perhaps may inspire further comprehensive screening of such to fully validate their claims. Section 7.3 will focus on conclusion beginning with a summary of narrated upto-date available data of lichen compounds currently undergoing preliminary and extensive research and development. How these agents have been applied or would be applied to biomedical and pharmaceutical utility would equally receive attention. The pharmaceutical industry involvement and development would be mentioned to show the extent of link between the classical research point and industry development endpoint and finally close by speculating on the future of lichen research and the positive expected outcomes of improved research interest in this unique group of plants agents.




Odimegwu, D. C., Ejikeugwu, C., & Esimone, C. C. (2015). Lichen secondary metabolites as possible antiviral agents. In Lichen Secondary Metabolites: Bioactive Properties and Pharmaceutical Potential (pp. 165–177). Springer International Publishing.

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