Correlation of dental age and anthropometric parametres of the overall growth and development in children

  • Trickovic-Janjic O
  • Apostolovic M
  • Janosevic M
  • et al.
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Introduction/Aim. Anthropometric methods of measuring the whole body and body parts are the most commonly applied methods of analyzing the growth and development of children. Anthropometric measures are interconnected, so that with growth and development the change of one of the parameters causes the change of the other. The aim of the paper was to analyse whether dental development follows the overall growth and development and what the ratio of this interdependence is. Methods. The research involved a sample of 134 participants, aged between 6 and 8 years. Dental age was determined as the average of the sum of existing permanent teeth from the participants aged 6, 7 and 8. With the aim of analyzing physical growth and development, commonly accepted anthropometric indexes were applied: height, weight, circumference of the head, the chest cavity at its widest point, the upper arm, the abdomen, the thigh and thickness of the epidermis. The dimensions were measured according to the methodology of the International Biological Programme. The influence of the pertinent variables' related size on the analyzed variable was determined by the statistical method of multivariable regression. Results. The middle values of all the anthropometric parametres, except for the thickness of the epidermis, were slightly bigger with male participants, and the circumference of the chest cavity was statistically considerably bigger (p < 0.05). The results of anthropometric measurement showed in general a distinct homogeneity not only of the sample group but also within gender, in relation to all the dimensions, excyt for the thickness of the epidermis. The average of the dental age of the participants was 10.36, (10.42 and 10.31 for females and males respectively). Considerable correlation (R = 0.59) with high statistical significance (p < 0.001) was determined between dental age and the set of anthropometric parameters of general growth and development. Conclusion. There is a considerable positive correlation (R = 0.59) between dental age and anthropometric parameters of general growth and development, which confirms that dental development follows the overall growth and development of children, aged between 6 and 8 years.Uvod/Cilj. Antropometrijske metode merenja delova tela, kao i tela u celini, najcesce se primenjuju za procenu rasta i razvoja dece. Antropometrijske mere medjusobno su povezane tako da promena jednog parametra pri rastu i razvoju uslovljava promenu drugog. Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi da li dentalni razvoj prati opsti rast i razvoj i u kojoj meri je izrazena ova medjuzavisnost. Metode. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaceno 134 ispitanika, starosti od 6-8 godina. Dentalna starost odredjena je kao srednja vrednost zbira prisutnih stalnih zuba za uzrast 6-8 godina. U cilju procene fizickog rasta i razvoja uzeti su opsteprihvaceni antropometrijski pokazatelji: telesna visina, telesna masa, obim glave, obim grudnog kosa (srednji), obim nadlaktice, obim trbuha, obim butine i debljina koznog nabora. Merenja su obavljena po metodologiji Internacionalnog bioloskog programa. Statistickom metodom multivarijantne regresije utvrdjen je uticaj udruzenih velicina vise srodnih varijabli na ispitivanu varijablu. Rezultati. Srednje vrednosti svih antropometrijskih parametara, osim debljine koznog nabora, bile su neznatno vece kod ispitanika muskog pola, a samo obim grudnog kosa statisticki znacajno veci (p < 0,05). Rezultati antropometrijskih merenja ukazali su na izrazitu homogenost grupe u celini i u okviru polova, u odnosu na sve velicine, osim za debljinu koznog nabora. Srednja vrednost dentalne starosti nasih ispitanika bila je 10,36, veca kod ispitanika zenskog pola (10,42), u odnosu na ispitanike muskog pola (10,31). Izmedju dentalne starosti i skupa antropometrijskih parametara opsteg rasta i razvoja utvrdjena je znacajna korelacija (0,59), sa visokom statistickom znacajnoscu (p < 0,001). Zakljucak. Izmedju dentalne starosti i antropometrijskih parametara opsteg rasta i razvoja postoji pozitivna korelacija, koja potvrdjuje da dentalni razvoj prati opsti rast i razvoj kod dece uzrasta od 6-8 godina.




Trickovic-Janjic, O., Apostolovic, M., Janosevic, M., & Filipovic, G. (2008). Correlation of dental age and anthropometric parametres of the overall growth and development in children. Vojnosanitetski Pregled, 65(2), 141–146.

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