Many quantum phenomena, traditionally described by quantum electrodynamics, can be calculated within the framework of so-called semiclassical theory, in which atoms are described by the wave equations of quantum mechanics (Schrödinger, Dirac, etc.), while light is described by classical electrodynamics without quantization of the radiation. These phenomena include the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, the Lamb shift, radiative effects, spontaneous emission, the Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect, etc. In this paper, I show that the double-slit experiment can also be calculated in detail in terms of semiclassical theory if we take into account the discrete (atomic) structure of matter. I show that the results of a semiclassical simulation of the "linear" double-slit experiment coincide with predictions of wave theory only for low-intensity light and for short exposure time, while stricter dependences exist for long-term exposure. The semiclassical theory is used for calculation of the "nonlinear" double-slit experiment with an intense laser beam in which multiphoton and tunnel excitation of atoms on a photographic plate occurs. The Born rule for light is derived from the semiclassical theory.
Rashkovskiy, S. A. (2015). Semiclassical simulation of the double-slit experiments with single photons. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2015(12).
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