Modern home telecare is shifting from emergency conditions detection to the wellness monitoring, treatment plan obser-vation and rehabilitation. Because of such shift the telecare attracts more beneficiaries besides of traditional elderly and chronically ill people. From the other side, more complex systems for simultaneous treatment and safety monitoring in-volve more stakeholders - physiotherapists, primary doctors, carers and patients. Possibly contradicting requirements and perspectives of different partners are rising significant system usability and planning problems. In the paper we de-scribe an extendable and requirement conflict tolerant software framework for home health hubs (HHH) for simultane-ous motor rehabilitation (post-stroke and -arthroscopy) and patient safety observation. Aspect oriented software design (AOSD) and -requirement engineering (AORE) are used to simplify and automate integration of software subprograms representing interest or viewpoints of different participators. © 2012 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston.
Kuusik, A., Reilent, E., Sarna, K., & Parve, M. (2012). Home telecare and rehabilitation system with aspect oriented functional integration. Biomedizinische Technik, 57(SUPPL. 1 TRACK-N), 1004–1007.
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