Growth of Scllizotloll illlermetlills Garavello & Britski (Osthei- chthyes, Anostomidae) fmm Tibagi river (Sertanópolis, Paraná). This work eonsiS1S ofage, growth, and eireuli formalion period determinalion and lhe relalion of reproduclion, lemperalure, and pluviosity on lhe groWlh of S. inlermedills Garavello & Brilski, 1990. The groWlh curve was adjusled by lhe Be.1alanf)!'s expression and lhe relalionship belween weighl and size was made by lhe minimum square melhod lo delermine lhe condilioning faclor. Gonadossomatic index (IGS) was used lo sludy lhe reproduction. The assintolic values for lenglh were 33,94 cm and 44,81 em for males and females, respeclively. The circulus were formed annually and lhe growth was slow and lhe maximum age was delennined lo be nine years. The formation of lhe circuli was influenced by lhe reproduclion, probably allied to other abiotie /àetors like temperature and rain.
Orsi, M. L., & Shibatta, O. A. (1999). Crescimento de Schizodon Intermedius Garavello & Britski (Ostheichthyes, Anostomidae) do Rio Tibagi (Sertanópolis, Paraná). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 16(3), 701–710.
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