Introduction: In social research, where data are collected by means of surveys, a high quality of the responses and thus of the survey data is pivotal. A vast number of research projects has looked into ways of guaranteeing high data quality and several influences and effects have been identified. Some of the most prominent influences include effects of the question order, question wording, social desirability, sponsorship, effects resulting from the answer categories provided, as well as interviewer effects. These impact on the answers given, such that the true value might not be recorded. This is true for many survey modes, including telephone surveys, which have been frequently subject to methodological research. Especially with telephone surveys researchers tend to be concerned about the quality of the answers provided. Nevertheless, they are currently the most common mode of data collection, not only in Germany but all over Europe. Research so far has delivered important findings that have had a positive impact on the quality of telephone interviews. However, due to the changing nature of telephone surveys new methodological research is needed.
Häder, M. (2013). Data quality in telephone surveys via mobile and landline phone. In Telephone Surveys in Europe: Research and Practice (pp. 247–262). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
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