There is a substantial curiosity in academia, the investment community and among manufacturers about the exhilarating opportunities offered by nano materials. Although a lot of applications for nanotechnology remain hypothetical, construction is one area where numerous ‘here and now’ applications have already emerged. While existing use is restricted, the market is likely to approach more than 500 million dollars within ten years. Concrete is most likely exceptional in the construction field, that it is the distinct material exclusive to business and hence, is the recipient of a reasonable quantity of research and development capital from the construction industry. SiO2 (Silica) usually is an integral part of concrete in the normal mix. On the other hand, one of the innovations made by the study of concrete at nano scale level is that particle stuffing in concrete can be enhanced by means of adding nano silica (NS), which results in the densification of the micro and nano structure of cementitious composite resulting in enhanced mechanical properties. In this research paper, the result of a thorough investigational analysis on the utilization of NS in addition to cement so that the strength and quality of concrete can improve has been achieved. The effect of various proportions of NS in concrete has been premeditated to evaluate the properties of NS based hardened concrete according to the standard concrete. The obtained outcomes after testing indicate that the addition of NS together with concrete has improved the mechanical behavior of concrete. The NS blended high strength concrete (HSC) shows a better compressive strength (CS) of 66.00 N/mm2 (MPa) after standard twenty eight days, which is an exceptional development over standard concrete. Each and every mixture containing NS in various proportions gave enhanced outcomes in comparison with the standard predictable concrete. RH (Rebound Hammer), UPV (Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) examinations further authenticate the above results.
Rahman*, I., & Dev, N. (2020). High Strength Nano Silica Based Concrete. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(7), 1150–1155.
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