I review the classical and quantum properties of the (2 + 1)-dimensional black hole of Bañados, Teitelboim and Zanelli. This solution of the Einstein field equations in three spacetime dimensions shares many of the characteristics of the Kerr black hole: it has an event horizon, an inner horizon, and an ergosphere; it occurs as an endpoint of gravitational collapse; it exhibits mass inflation; and it has a non-vanishing Hawking temperature and interesting thermodynamic properties. At the same time, its structure is simple enough to allow a number of exact computations, particularly in the quantum realm, that are impractical in 3 + 1 dimensions.
Brenes-Prendas, S., Wang-Wong, A., & Agüero-Alvarado, R. (2012). Fitopatógenos asociados a Dieffenbachia oerstedii y Syngonium podophyllum en plantaciones de banano en Costa Rica. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 23(1), 201. https://doi.org/10.15517/am.v23i1.6454
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