In the first part of the article the question was examined and expanded concerning the causes and the content of the task as to overcoming the crisis of the theory and practice of city planning, which is formulated on the background of all-round expert analysis of the history and results (materials and essential thesis) concerning preparation of the so-called "General plan of Kyiv until 2025 year", which was being realized since 2008 with the infringement of effectual legislation. It was displayed that under the conditions of slackening of political and professional responsibility, which turned out last years, this "treatment" manifested the strained state of wide problems spectrum for city planning designing, projecting and regulation in Kyiv and in other Ukrainian cities. In order to have possibilities for correcting mistakes, which were accumulated, the analytical discoursus concerning the content of the above-mentioned treatment was carried out, and the necessary commentaries for its separate chapters and for principles of city planning normative-law basis were given. Among the above-mentioned city planning problems there were separated such as: the lack of researches for urban socium, the regularities of its dynamics, and, as a result, permanent unsuccessful attempts " to prognosticate" the digits of perspective quantity of city population (all the more in its artificial administrative boundaries) and to "attach" all calculations and groundings to these ephemeral digits; the lack of full value notions about the regularities of functioning, forming, development and reproduction for the "economic complex" of the city and the network of labor of employment localities for population, when, on the ground of the cessation for different reasons on separate plants it is considered to be possible mass reduction of quantity of industrial zones territories without decision the targets concerning creating new high-technology localities for effective work for reindustrialization of the state (including renovation of its defensive capacity); the lack of a complex assessment for necessity (selectivity and demand), possibility (demographic capacity and comfortableness) and real conditions (resources) for reconstruction (modernization) of extant territories for housing building, and also concerning the scales of new (often chaotic) outrunning housing, not only from the positions of "reasonable excessive compression", "getting a profit", reselling of dwelling or for emergency – and all this without thorough analysis of real state of the housing fund ("old" and "new") and the application of effective methods for deciding of the target creating of better dwelling conditions for all the population; the defiance of the facts of greater and greater lagging in development of networks of all kinds of social infrastructure (except trade), objects and edifices of sporting and recreation-healthy infrastructure and also transport (except filling stations) and engineering infrastructure; the defiance of the facts of scale nonpurpose-oriented using and demolition of the plant trees territories of general (public) use, woods, forest parks, among them within the boundaries of health resort and curative and recreational zones; the defiance of the facts of regular demolition or defacement of objects of cultural, historical and natural inheritance, nonpurpose-oriented using of the territories of natural protected fund, their protective zones, the environment of historical areas; the principle incomprehension (or reluctance to understand and agmit) by local authorities of Kyiv and the oblast that there has been a sharp necessity (for many years already) to treat the unitary strategical general plan of Kyiv and Kyiv settlement region (agglomeration, metropolis) and the inadmissibility of treatment and confirmation of separate planning documents for them (besides autonomically and in different time), that multiplies the whole round of problems of city planning and land use of settling region; it was established practical incapacity of available empirical knowledge, methodological notions and methodical means to be the basis for decision of actual city planning problems (even in case of returning the architectural city planning activities in legal framework) and, also as a result, the inadequateness of lots of principles for valid normative and law base, that has suffered a considerable worsening. Said above allows to make the conclusion that treatment and content of the kind "general plan for Kyiv on the period until 2025 (or until 2040)" in formed conditions are a disparity to the status and demands for instructional and instrumental quality of strategical city planning documentations, does not give "joy-stick" for decision of actual problems of the city-metropolis-region that is impossible exactly without reinterpretation and transformation of present theoretic-methodological, technological, methodical and information basis for city planning designing, projecting and regulation. The attention was turned to the actual experience from the previous years: planning development of New York city since 1807 and forming of base concepts concerning working up the "all-embracing plan", which must be (according to its action) uninterrupted, prolonged and should not stop on its boundaries; strategical demographic analysis, which establishes interconnection between the increase or despondency of cities and the migration dimension; city planning practice, that manifests the fallibility of attempts concerning artificial dismemberment the city territory on "planning sections" and "planning zones", which are convention-calculation, but not really functional or spatially balanced "self-reliant" elements; researches by A.E. Gutnov for the depth regularities of urban development concerning that living complicated reality is substituted by illusive drafted reality (by picture as a plan), inert ground ("under warp") for "geometrical constructions" by architect; F. Day's learning of the practices of sharp problems decision of city planning and market land use, when city plans are often a "guidance for speculation with immovability" (they reflect the advantage of fixed kinds for land use) and therefore it needs selecting lands for public purpose with securement of management for them using; treatment of theoretical pattern for forming of linear-junctional production net (by P. Baklanov) as a combination of resource junctions and consumption junctions, connected by transference lines with production junction in their interaction in intervals close to the state of dynamic optimum. All this experience needs fundamental theoretical "confirmation" and substantiated dissemination on the base of methodological and technological improvement of strategical city planning designing.
Dyuzhev, S. (2023). GENERAL STRATEGIC CITY PLANNING DESIGNING AND PROBLEMS OF PLANNING MANAGEMENT FOR SETTLING (the first part: how to overcome the theoretic-methodological and planner-methodological crisis). Urban Development and Spatial Planning, (82), 129–184.
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