Emergency Management in Florida

  • Rivera F
  • Kapucu N
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This chapter provides an overview of the emergency management system in the State of Florida. The Florida emergency management system contains important intergovernmental relations and organizational features that will explain in detail. Many scholars highlight the effectiveness of Florida's emergency management system. Yet, there are no comprehensive updated studies on emergency management system and practice in Florida. This chapter provides a comprehensive system, structure, policies, and perspective of emergency management in Florida. The chapter also includes federal level policies and administrative structure to the chapter as they are integral part of the emergency management system in the US. We conclude that for a community to increase their capacity for resilience, they must prioritize emergency management and hazard planning policies while also creating supportive administrative structures. Furthermore, transparency is necessary to help eliminate the numbness generated by underestimation and under-preparedness.




Rivera, F. I., & Kapucu, N. (2015). Emergency Management in Florida. In Disaster Vulnerability, Hazards and Resilience (pp. 9–28). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16453-3_2

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