Impact of corporate governance on financial performance of information technology companies

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Corporate Governance is a broad term in today’s competitive world. It is a series of processes, policies, rules, and regulations by which companies are managed and governed. In this perspective, the study attempts to analyze the impact of corporate governance on the financial performance of Information Technology (IT) Companies in India. Specifically, the study analyzed the impact of Board size, Board Composition, and Audit Committee Independence on Return on Assets and Return on Equity, which are considered as measures of financial performance. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant and positive impact of Corporate Governance on Financial performance of IT companies, and Audit Committee Independence shows the most significant effect on Financial performance. The finding of the study endeavors to contribute to the limited literature available in the context of corporate governance in IT companies in India.




Kaura, P., Dharwal, M., Kaur, H., & Kaur, P. (2019). Impact of corporate governance on financial performance of information technology companies. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 7460–7464.

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