Infeksi yang terjadi di pelayanan kesehatan merupakan salah satu penyebab utama dari meningkatnya angka morbiditas dan mortalitas, yang dapat menghambat proses penyembuhan sehingga mengakibatkan masalah baru dalam bidang kesehatan, antara lain meningkatnya hari rawat dan bertambahnya biaya perawatan serta pengobatan pasien di rumah sakit dan di pelayanan kesehatan lain. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah setelah mengikuti workshop ini seluruh sumber daya manusia di Puskesmass Gunungpati mampu menerapkan pencegahan dan pengendalian secara optimal. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi sesi pemaparan materi, sesi praktik PPI, sesi penetapan program PPI oleh tim di Puskesmas Gunungpati. Hasil : workshop diikuti oleh seluruh tenaga kesehatan dan tenaga non kesehatan Pskesmas Gunungpati, 100% peserta memahami program PPI dan menindaklanjuti pembentukan program PPI dalam kelompok kerja yang ditetapkan Kepala Puskesmas Gunungpati. Kesimpulan : pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi merupakan program yang harus dilaksanakan seluruh pelayanan kesehatan, yang pelaksanaannya dilakukan melalui perencanaan, proses monitoring dan evaluasi di lingkungan Puskesmas Gunungpati. Kata kunci : workshop; pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi; puskesmas gunungpati INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL WORKSHOP AT GUNUNGPATI DISTRICT HEALTH CENTRE Abstract Infections that occur in health services are one of the main causes of increasing rates of morbidity and mortality, which can hinder the healing process, resulting in new problems in the health sector, including increased days of care and increased costs for care and treatment of patients in hospitals and health services. The purpose of this program was that all human resources at the Gunungpati Public Health Center were able to implement optimal prevention and control. The method of implementing the activities included material presentation sessions, practice sessions of infection prevention and controls, sessions for determining the infection prevention and controls program by the team at the Gunungpati Health Center. The workshop was attended by all health workers and non-health workers at the Gunungpati Health Center, 100% of the participants understood the infection prevention and controls program and followed up on the establishment of the program in a working group set by the Head of the Gunungpati Community Health Center. infection prevention and control is a program that must be implemented by all health services, whose implementation is carried out through planning, monitoring and evaluation processes in the Gunungpati Community Health Center. Keywords: workshop; infection prevention and control; Gunungpati Public Health Center
Nurhayati, S., Prihati, T. W., Mendrofa Motuho, F. A., Pujiyanto, T. I., & Syaifudin, A. (2021). WORKSHOP PENCEGAHAN DAN PENGENDALIAN INFEKSI DI PUSKESMAS GUNUNGPATI. Jurnal KESPERA, 1(1), 18.
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