The chapter deals with the {QoS} Management in a relief communication network able to manage the different wireless access technologies that the rescuers utilize. A {QoS} {DiffServ}-based architecture is proposed, which not only provides seamless {QoS} support over different access wireless technologies, but also exhibits a scalability property against the entry of any new access technology, since the new entry can be managed just adding a new specific {QoS} management module without requiring the upgrading of the ones already present in the system. A testbed for the performance evaluation of the proposed architecture has also been designed and the first results show the effectiveness of the proposal.
Orefice, P., Paura, L., & Scarpiello, A. (2010). Inter-Vehicle Communication QoS Management for Disaster Recovery. In The Internet of Things (pp. 205–216). Springer New York.
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