• Sutiyarsih E
  • Purwandhani E
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ABSTRAK Kegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat “Pemberdayaan Kader Kesehatan Yang Tanggap Menghadapi Virus Corona (Covid-19)” diawali dengan pengkajian awal terhadap perkembangan angka kejadian Virus Corona (Covid-19) di Kabupaten Malang. Memasuki pekan pertama di bulan September 2020, jumlah kasus covid-19 di Kabupaten Malang terpantau masih terus mengalami peningkatan.Bedasarkan data dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Malang, penambahan tersebut karena ada transmisi dari kerabat dekat atau keluarga pasien positif Covid-19 (Data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Malang, 2020). Di Dusun Wonosari belum ada kejadian warga yang menderita Corona Covid-19, tetapi saat ini kegiatan yang mengumpulkan warga sudah dilakukan. Untuk itu diperlukan sekelompok warga masyarakat yang bisa mengingatkan pentingnya protokol kesehatan. Kami memilih Kader kesehatan untuk diberi pelatihan agar dapat menjadi Kader Kesehatan yang tanggap menghadapi virus Corona (Covid-19), karena Kader kesehatan adalah perpanjangan tangan dari tenaga kesehatan yang ada di masyarakat. Kegiatan Pelatihan dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan media Poster, setelah kegiatan pelatihan poster-poster bisa dipasang di tempat yang sering dilaksanakan pertemuan warga. Metoda yang digunakan Pre-test post-test, ceramah tanya jawab, demonstrasi dan redemonstrasi oleh para kader. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah kegiatan pelatihan adalah hasil post-test menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan kader dalam melakukan pencegahan penyebaran virus corona (covid-19). Kegiatan pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat menambah pengetahuan para kader kesehatan dan menyebarluaskan informasi tentang pencegahan penyebaran virus Corona (Covid-19) sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan dan kesadaran masyarakat dalam melakukan pencegahan penyebaran virus corona. Kata Kunci: Kader kesehatan, tanggap, corona  ABSTRACT The initial assessment of the development of corona virus (COVID-19) incidence in Malang regency became the beginning of the implementation of the Community Partnership Program "Empowerment of Health Cadres Who Respond to Coronavirus (COVID-19)". The number of covid-19 cases in Malang is observed to continue to increase entering the first week in September 2020. Based on data from the Malang District Health Office, the addition is due to transmission from close relatives or families of patients positive COVID-19. Wonosari hamlet itself has not had any incidents of residents suffering from COVID-19, but currently activities that are of the nature of collecting citizens have been actively carried out. It is important to have a group of citizens who will do controlling the implementation of health protocols in their area. We chose health cadres to be trained to become health cadres who are responsive to the Corona virus (COVID-19). Health cadres are representative of health workers in the community. Training activities had implemented using poster media. Posters used in training activities had been installed in places that are often used for citizen activities. Methods used Pre-test post-test, discussion, demonstrations and re-demonstrations by cadres. Post test results showed knowledge and ability of health cadres in preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) has increased. This training activity is expected to increase the knowledge of health cadres and disseminate information about the prevention of the spread of Corona virus (COVID-19) so as to increase compliance and public awareness in preventing the spread of coronavirus. Keywords: Health Cadre, Responsiveness, COVID-19




Sutiyarsih, E., & Purwandhani, E. L. W. (2021). PEMBERDAYAAN KADER KESEHATAN YANG TANGGAP MENGHADAPI VIRUS CORONA (COVID-19). Jurnal Abdimas Saintika, 3(1), 6.

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