We present a novel expression for an integrated correlation function of four superconformal primaries in SU(N) N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (N = 4 SYM) theory. This integrated correlator, which is based on supersymmetric localisation, has been the subject of several recent developments. In this paper the correlator is re-expressed as a sum over a two dimensional lattice that is valid for all N and all values of the complex Yang-Mills coupling τ=θ/2π+4πi/gYM2. In this form it is manifestly invariant under SL(2, ℤ) Montonen-Olive duality. Furthermore, it satisfies a remarkable Laplace-difference equation that relates the SU(N) correlator to the SU(N + 1) and SU(N − 1) correlators. For any fixed value of N the correlator can be expressed as an infinite series of non-holomorphic Eisenstein series, E(sττ¯) with s ∈ ℤ, and rational coefficients that depend on the values of N and s. The perturbative expansion of the integrated correlator is an asymptotic but Borel summable series, in which the n-loop coefficient of order (gYM/π)2n is a rational multiple of ζ(2n + 1). The n = 1 and n = 2 terms agree precisely with results determined directly by integrating the expressions in one-loop and two-loop perturbative N = 4 SYM field theory. Likewise, the charge-k instanton contributions (|k| = 1, 2,..) have an asymptotic, but Borel summable, series of perturbative corrections. The large-N expansion of the correlator with fixed τ is a series in powers of N12−ℓ (ℓ ∈ ℤ) with coefficients that are rational sums of E(sττ¯) with s ∈ ℤ + 1/2. This gives an all orders derivation of the form of the recently conjectured expansion. We further consider the ’t Hooft topological expansion of large-N Yang-Mills theory in which λ=gYM2N is fixed. The coefficient of each order in the 1/N expansion can be expanded as a series of powers of λ that converges for |λ|
Dorigoni, D., Green, M. B., & Wen, C. (2021). Exact properties of an integrated correlator in N = 4 SU(N) SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(5). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2021)089
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