Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of poly(vinyl chloride)

  • Chang S
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He at capac ities, Cp , of three diffe re nt sampl es of po ly(vin yl c hl o ride) , PVC, have been d ete rmined fro m 6 to 375 K b y adiaba tic ca lorimetry.These three sa mples we re de ri ved from e ith er bul k· or s uspe ns ion-po lyme ri za ti on processes and \ ... 'e re measured e ith e r as rece ived or aft e r pe ll eting unde r p ressure. The heat ca pac iti es of Ih (-' sampl es are alm ost ide nti ca l if the the rmal a nd pressure hi stori es a re th e sa me. Belo w the g lass tra ns iti on te mpe ra ture, 1'., of about 355 K, C p of PVC was found to be exce pt io na ll y line a r ove r a wide te mpe ra ture ra nge. C p




Chang, S.-S. (1977). Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of poly(vinyl chloride). Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 82(1), 9. https://doi.org/10.6028/jres.082.002

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