The impact of ship emissions on the surface concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ozone (O3) in the Mediterranean area of the harbour of Brindisi (IT) has been investigated. Numerical simulations have been performed for a summer period of the year 2012, at different spatial scale, using the meso-scale BOLCHEM and the local-scale ADMS-Urban models. Results show that while average ground concentration of primary pollutant NOx increases in the area surrounding the port, a decrease in O3 concentration is observed.
Cesari, R., Buccolieri, R., Dinoi, A., Maurizi, A., Landi, T. C., & Di Sabatino, S. (2018). Influence of ship emissions on ozone concentration in a mediterranean area: A modelling approach. In Springer Proceedings in Complexity (pp. 317–321). Springer.
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